Memberships can only be given by a coven member
Full Witch
You were personally invited to join by one of the head witches
- Tickets to all of the Octobermovies.
- Priority seating
- 1 free popcorn with each movie
- First pick of merch and 10% off per collection
- Ability to get 4 (Honorary Witches) tickets the tickets are 80sr each
Note: Friday the 13th and Halloween packages not included (Only Tickets + above benefits)
Half Witch
You were personally invited to join by one of the head witches
- Tickets to all of the October movies
- Priority seating
- 1 free popcorn with each movie
- First pick of merch and 10% off per collection
- Ability to get 4 (Honorary Witches) tickets the tickets are 80sr each
Note: Friday the 13th and Halloween packages not included (Only Tickets + above benefits)